Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8

Did any of you watch the new season premiere yesterday. An encore episode is going on now as I write this. It broke my little heart to see my favorite tv family look so broken. In a perfect world we can see how other people live their life separate from public scrutiny. They were suppose to be my perfect happy family not like the screwed Osbourne's. Maybe Jon and Kate are not so different from Sharon and Ozzy!!

Anyways, I'm a Christian lady and definitely does not support divorce BUT if Jon was fooling around who am I to judge?? I will be praying for them because their 8 kids definitely deserve a home with their mommy and daddy.

On another note, I did some awesome shopping while home in Palm Beach for Memorial Day weekend. Picked up some stuff from the Levis store, Forever 21 and Nordstrom. I still am contemplating the boyfriend jeans trend. What do you guys think. I'm a 5'2" girl and tried on a 501 boyfriend pair from Levis but just wasnt sure if it was loose enought to be considered baggy. I kind of have a little booty and they definitely didnt fit my toosh right. Levis had an awesome white jeans sale for the holiday weekend and grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans. I am definitely contemplating the boyfriends though!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day!

Today, the bf and I have yummy breakfast plans at The Jones!!! I swear it is the yummiest organic breakfast place in all of Gainesville. Today is going to be a fun, filled packed day! hahha yeah right. So here is my awesome boring schedule:

1.Breakfast at the Jones
2. Bank
3. Grocery shopping
4. Quickie at work
5. LSAT practice test
6.American Idol finale ( I hope Kris wins, he's a real musician/artist)
7. More LSAT
8. sleep

My 12 steps program of encouraging words of wisdom for me and you today:
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rainy Days

Hey everyone,

I'm looking out the window and it looks like it will be another rainy day. I wish my exam was not less than a month away because its hard to study when its gloomy outside.

My friend SM has an awesome new blog and I'm so happy for her. I'm learning a lot from it as a non-journalist student. I am very excited to see her in NYC. She sent me the most inspiring text message today. Basically I better kick butt on my LSAT so I can have my Range Rover and so my husband can have his BMW 7 series. Pray for me everyone. Until then.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy Sundays or should I say Lsat Sundays

Good morning!!!

So my Sunday began with me not being in church :(. I definitely feel incomplete without some praise and worship. I will have to find some time today to have some devotion.

LSAT is approaching and I am getting excited. It's amazing the difference a positive attitude can make and to believe that God has your back. I can do ALL things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. I think it's until you truly meditate on that scripture and put it into practice does it come true! I'm believing and praying and trusting in the Lord.

Anyways, just wanted to say hello and hope everyone is having a blessed day. Take a time out today and meditate on something inspirational.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its been sooo long

Hello my current 4 followers,

I just want to reintroduce myself, my name is OHHH T to the O-V. Hahaha. Just wanna say I'm alive and kicking and really proud of my super amazing aspiring to be a fashion anchor E News, move over Ryan Seacrest, hello SM. Hahaha. She has a new blog!!

On a more depressing note, Miss. Jones is under the weather and swears she is the latest victim who has fallen down with a bad case of the swine flu. Please pray for her as she is overcoming a bad cold and the munchies for McDonald's.

Also, the boobie and I have a dog, Louis pronounced as in Louis Vuitton. He is a pitbull, 6 weeks and is soooo cute. Stay tuned for pictures.



Tuesday, March 31, 2009


At the library allllll damn day! Will someone please rescue me! I keep being distracted at online fashion rather than writing a history paper.



Tifffany &Co.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hey guys...

As an update, I am in the process of applying to a study abroad program to PARIS!!! I should find out within a week if I got in. In the mean time I am doing my Paris style research trying to see whats Hot there. Maybe I can be inspired before I arrive and know what to pack. In the mean time I will be check out The Satorialist blog for style tips and you should too!

Monday, March 23, 2009

FML: The LSAT Take Over

It has been awhile since I've been back to my blog, sorry for the lateness. I have been overwhelmed with Spring Break festivities, catching some zzzzzzzzz and getting back into the study mode.

Since I have been gone, there has been A LOT of drama within the school organizations I am involved in and I thought it would be a good idea to stay away from my blog during those times in case I found myself tempted to vent on it.

Starting last Tuesday I am now enrolled in a Testmasters LSAT class, UGH! The next three months is going to be torture. I keep telling myself it will all pay off but the more I do this homework the more it makes you feel stupid. I'm staying positive, not to worry. I think I will post NYU Law School paraphanellia around my apartment as a bit of inspiritation to keep pressing on so I can get into my #1 choice. It has gotten so bad that I have already begun to look up what kind of laptop software I will need in case I get in and even NYC apartments. Its really bad guys. Anyways, keep me in your prayers that everything works out well. I'll keep you updated in my progress to achieve a 180.


Tiffany & Co.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Got Georgia on my mind

Happy Monday!!!

The bags are packed, the car is filled up, the atm has been drained out, and Gretta (A's name for her BlackBerry Pearl GPS system) is taking us to Savannah, GA. I tried to prepare for the trip by reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil but I failed miserably, so we rented it on Netflix online, and thought it was ok.

I'm so excited to complete everything on our 3 day itinerary. If anyone knows any must see hidden Savannah spots, comment back! I'll make sure to take lots of pictures. Enjoy you Monday everyone.

Tiffany &Co.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A girl at a shooting range

Faithful readers,

So I woke up this Sunday morning, looked over at my BlackBerry phone to check the time, and it was 12:15pm!!! This daylight savings thing has got to stop!!! I don't mind receiving an extra hour of beauty sleep in the Fall, but I definitely hate it in the Spring. Its hard to remember which direction the hour hand of my clocks need to go. A good friend once told me this saying to help me remember "Spring forward, Fall back," get it? Anyways, we're no longer in World War II and it needs to be abolished. Did you know good ole' Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea ?(I remembered that from National Treasure)

So my bf wants to take me out to lunch then to the shooting range today. I'm a little excited / nervous about this new date idea. I've always mentioned that I would love to pull a trigger of a gun, as a joke of course because I watch a lot of CSI and Law and Order, so I guess the bf remembered. I'm not a huge fan of guns because I never grew up around ANY except I remember holding one when I was 17 because my older cousin D was going through a gangster phase and needed "protection" from I don't know who. On a lighter note, the thought of a pink, rhinestone studded pistol sounds FABULOUS. But I don't think I'll ever own one, I'm way too scared of them.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A new blogger to this blogger world

Hey ya'll,

I'm very new to this blogger thing, and ohh my word, am I starting to feel like setting my blog up is going to be a task on its own. Anywho, please be patient as I am technologically illeterate. I'm sooo flipping (taking by A) excited to get this thing up and ready. I have so much to share with you all. Stay tuned!!