Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its been sooo long

Hello my current 4 followers,

I just want to reintroduce myself, my name is OHHH T to the O-V. Hahaha. Just wanna say I'm alive and kicking and really proud of my super amazing aspiring to be a fashion anchor E News, move over Ryan Seacrest, hello SM. Hahaha. She has a new blog!!

On a more depressing note, Miss. Jones is under the weather and swears she is the latest victim who has fallen down with a bad case of the swine flu. Please pray for her as she is overcoming a bad cold and the munchies for McDonald's.

Also, the boobie and I have a dog, Louis pronounced as in Louis Vuitton. He is a pitbull, 6 weeks and is soooo cute. Stay tuned for pictures.




  1. wait, did i read that correctly, the boobie and I: omg i told you that youd think it was your family dog, i knew it! (im doing the i told you so dance right now, im my pjs with a tissue up to my nose as i type this one handed)...

  2. LOL, its really his dog, BUT....he will be our family dog when we start our family.lolol. Feel better
